COVID-19 messaging

Here's a curated list of suggestions to help with COVID-19 messaging in your organisation.

For employers:

  • On a daily basis, clean surfaces that people touch.
  • Provide ample supply of alcohol wipes and hand sanitisers in the office.
  • If your office receives visitors, find a way to inquire whether they have possibly been exposed to COVID-19.
  • Provide access to a Help Line for staff that are feeling anxious or want to report feeling unwell.
  • Assure contractors and casual staff that they will be paid normally if they work from home (you don’t want them to turn up to work sick because they cannot afford the loss of income).
  • The World Health Organisation has produced a very useful document for the workplace:
  • This is a useful Australian site:

Instruct staff:

  • To not touch their face with their hands.
  • Wash their hands regularly and aggressively with soap and cold water.
  • To avoid physical contact.
  • To clean any shared desks, phones, keyboard and mouse with alcohol wipes.
  • If you have been informed that you have been around someone who may have been infected, inform your manager Staff should stay home if they feel unwell.
  • If they have flu-like symptoms, they should get tested for COVID-19 and report to their manager if they test positive.

For Travellers:

  • Check SmartTraveller prior to travel, regardless of whether it is for business or personal travel – countries listed as DO NOT TRAVEL may impact your insurance.
  • Employer to clearly identify which countries are subject to travel bans.
  • Some staff may feel uncomfortable travelling anywhere overseas.
  • Inform your Manager if you intend to travel for personal reasons.
  • Travellers returning from overseas, may have to self-isolate on their return.

Here are some posters from WHO and others that can be printed and used around the office.

The handshake alternative
The handshake alternative
How to cough and sneeze
How to cough and sneeze
Hand washing best practice
Hand washing best practice
Hand rubbing best practice
Hand rubbing best practice